CB-34 Core Random Booster Plus
Different from the previous CB-07 CRB Vol.1, this Plus Edition comes with 2x2 Recolor Cores (Stroke Core & Roll Core) and features a new Super Rare power type core, Break Core!
PlaKit Layout
Stroke Core
From CB-15 Stroke Orochi, Recolored: Clear Lime/White & Gold/Yellow.
The Stroke Core is a Control Type Core with a Special Trigger Guide connecting to its Trigger.The 'T' shaped guide slot design ensures that the Trigger slides in the 'Center' of the Core.
Roll Core
From CB-14 Roll Sasword, Recolored: Metallic Violet/Blue & Clear Magenta/Black.
The Roll Core is a Rapid Fire Type Core with a Special 'Ring' Trigger. This Ring Trigger provides a great thumb grip for 'push & pull' action for rapid firing.
Break Core
The Super Rare Break Core is a new Power Type Core. (Future Released in CB-49 Super Dragon Double Set).
The Break Core has a Extra Long Trigger that normally would be seen in a CB-35 Twin Core attached to a Normal Single B-Damarble chamber.
When fully launched, the Trigger Exceeds the Core Chamber. This enables the B-Der to make full power control over the Maximum Trigger Power. The more power your Trigger Push, the more Powerful the shot.
Break Power Trials
To simulate the Power of the Break Core, we will be challenging the Power Log Push obstacle. The Break Core is set with CB-01 Accele Dracyan with CB-25 Grip Arm.
9 B-Damarbles are set in a Tube placed 6" inches away from the Break Dracyan. In this Trial, a Single B-Damarble will be shot at the Tube to make it Roll along the Ruler. Distance will be taken to log Push Power.
When the Shot was Triggered, the Obstacle is pushed, rolling away from its original position. Stopping at a 12.5" inch mark, Remarkable!
To further simulate the Power of the Break Core, we will challenge the Double Barrel Break obstacle. In this Trial, 2 empty Big B-Da Targets are set in Series, 6" inches from the Break Accele B-Daman. A Single D-Damarble will be shot. And the final results will be log when Targets are 'Broken' through.
When the Shot was fired, the 2 B-Da Targets 'breaks' upon contact with the Powerful Shot from the Break Core. Results was a Maximum Break!
In summary, the CB-34 Core Random Booster Plus is a good Booster for those whom wish to add the Stroke Core or Roll Core to their collection without acquiring the CB-14 or CB-15 Starters. The Rare Break Core is a Good Power Core to add to the Power Type family but can be very difficult to master for B-Ders with lower Trigger Power. Overall a good Booster to try.